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PPB Powdered Peanut Butter Original 180g

Completo B - Vitamina B Complexo 250 Cápsulas
Raspberry Ketone Complex, 90 Capsules
Sales price 14,99 €
Tax amount
em estoque
- 70% menos gordura
- Sem glúten
- Adequado para vegetarianos e veganos



- 70% menos gordura (manteiga de amendoim não comercializada) 
- Sem glúten

- Adequado para vegetarianos e veganos

A manteiga de amendoim em pó PPB Original tem 70% menos gordura do que a manteiga de amendoim tradicional, em comparação com as principais marcas de supermercados. Rico em proteínas e fibras e sem glúten certificado.

PPB® é tão versátil que você pode usá-lo para assar, smoothies, cozinhar e, claro, simplesmente adicionar água para fazer a manteiga de amendoim perfeita.

A manteiga de amendoim é uma boa fonte de: 

Peanut butter is also a good source of copper, a mineral that helps maintain our bone health, immune function, and blood vessels. Some research suggests that getting enough copper in your diet may reduce your risk for osteoporosis and heart disease

Potential Health Benefits of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a concentrated source of nutrition that may offer potential health benefits. One study showed that eating peanuts every day can decrease the overall risk of death by up to 21% – and reduces the occurrence of heart disease by 38%. 

However, peanuts are high in calories and, while they contain “good fats,” too much can be a bad thing. Moderate your intake to avoid unwanted weight gain or health problems caused by excessive fat intake. 

 As long as you exercise portion control, research suggests peanut butter offers the following health benefits: 

Improved Heart Health

One of the main fats in peanut butter is oleic acid. When substituted for other fats in your diet, oleic acid is shown to help maintain good cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Managing these levels in your body can lower the risk of heart disease. 

Peanut butter also contains omega-6. This fatty acid lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol and increases protective (HDL) cholesterol. In addition, peanuts are a natural source of arginine, an amino acid that may prevent heart and vascular disease by promoting good blood vessel function. 

Reduced Risk of Diabetes

Oleic acid also been shown to reduce the body’s insulin resistance, a condition that raises your blood sugar and leads to diabetes. Research shows that peanut butter’s omega-6 content may have this same effect as well. 

Anticancer Properties

Peanuts are a great source of antioxidants like manganese, vitamin E, and B vitamins. These compounds act to prevent and repair cell damage in your body, and this effect can reduce your risk of chronic diseases like cancer.

One of peanut butter’s most powerful antioxidants is coumaric acid — and research found that its activity is boosted by 22% if you roast peanuts before whipping them into a butter. 

It also contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that’s been shown to have anti-cancer effects and may lower the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cognitive decline. 

Aid in Weight Management

The healthy fats in peanut butter are called monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats are associated with a lower risk of weight gain and obesity when consumed as part of a healthy diet. 

Foods high in healthy fats, proteins, and fiber — like peanut butter — also take longer for our bodies to digest, which can keep us feel fuller for longer and reduce the risk of overeating. 

 While weight loss and management depend on a healthy diet and lifestyle, the research suggests that peanuts can assist with these goals.  

Mineral Deficiencies

Peanuts are high in phosphorus, which can limit your body’s absorption of other minerals like zinc and iron. If you are deficient in these minerals, a diet high in phosphorus can worsen this condition. 



PT: Misture 2 colheres de sopa de PPB ® com 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 12g) de água e mexa até ficar homogêneo. Prepare conforme necessário.


Informação nutricional:

Per 100g / 12g Serving:
Energy (kj) 1675kj / 201kj
Energy (kcal) 398kcal / 48kcal
Fat 9.36g / 1.12g
of which saturates 1.34g / 0.16g
Carbohydrate 25.99g / 3.12g
of which sugars 17.14g / 2.06g
Fibre 9.82g / 1.18g
Protein 47.56g / 5.71g
Salt 0.84g / 0.10g

Sempre leia o rótulo!

Amendoim & nbsp; Farinha ( Amendoim ), Néctar de Palmyra Jaggery em pó (Adoçante natural), Sal marinho mineral

Para alérgenos, veja os ingredientes em & nbsp; negrito.

Livre de:

Adequado para: vegetarianos, halal. Sem glúten



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May Contain: Almond

Store in a cool, dry place.

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